Monday, February 18, 2013

The really, really cheap version of DIY French Flower Pots.

By now I'm sure you've seen this very popular DIY from Heaven's Walk on turning boring terra cotta flower pots into the faux vintage french versions.

You may have also seen this post at 17 Apart on how to indefinitely supply yourself with celery.

Well I really wanted to try both, but I didn't want to leave my house to go buy a terra cotta flower pot.  It's about 11 here in Michigan today, and I didn't feel like bundling up my 7 month old just to make a Home Depot run, which inevitably ends in $100.00 worth of purchases, not $3.00 for a pot.

(The temperature is also partly why all the photos so far have been in my kitchen... I need to diversify.)

Luckily I had a really cheap-o plastic pot that was terra cotta colored and slightly textured, so I gave it a try and BAM!  Crappy pot made not so crappy, for free!

The Heaven's Walk tutorial (it's such a good tut I'm not going to bother re-explaining it here) explains how to transfer a printed image onto the pot using Mod Podge.  I tried it... it peeled off the paint.  Oops. Since the plastic pot is non-porous it just sits on top of the pot, where it would soak into a terra cotta pot and not peel away.

BUT, it actually contributed to the aged look, so I just painted over those parts, dabbed on more gray paint and let it dry.

To add the image (curtesy of The Graphics Fairy), I taped white tissue paper to a piece of cardstock I knew could go through my printer and printed my picture on that.  Then I just cut around the image, painted a thin layer of Mod Podge onto the pot, carefully applied my picture, then added a good coat of Mod Podge over the top.  The tissue paper was thin enough that the paint was still visible underneath, so the image looks like it's part of the pot, not slapped on top.


The drip tray is just an old yogurt container lid :).

All in all I spent about an hour on this, and that's only because I had to wait for the paint to dry.  Otherwise it would've been 15 minutes, tops!

Now I just have to wait for the celery stump inside to grow and add some greenery to my kitchen!